Tag Archive | Pretoria


These are the slides I used while giving my testimony in a pub in Pretoria on Sunday 13 October 2013. https://www.dropbox.com/s/63vmz9kshgt9x9i/Presentation1%20Gospel%40pub.pptx (in Afrikaans) https://www.dropbox.com/s/cily70sm5cj0jpu/Church%20final%20testimony%20powerpoint%20presentation.pptx  (in English) (The pram in the slide show was my snake transport. The most practical transport for a heavy snake when you don’t have a car and your dancing job is 3 […]

PRETORIA APPEARANCE Sunday 13 October 2013

Pretoria! Sunday 13 October 2013 gospel@pub http://www.noisemakers.co.za/home/staticajax/en_US/id/3.html The last time I was in Pretoria I went home with a suspended sentence for public indecency. My acquittal having been thrown out by the supreme court of South Africa and handing me over to the mercy of a Pretoria court. 40 years later, here I am, an […]